The Benefits of Freedom Camping vs Campsites in New Zealand

The Cost Factor – Freedom Camping vs Campsites One of the most significant considerations for travellers when choosing between freedom camping and established campsites is the cost. Freedom camping, as the name suggests, is generally free of charge. This makes it an attractive option for budget-conscious travellers or those who prefer a more spontaneous travel […]

Exploring New Zealand by Campervan: Tips for American Travellers

The Allure of New Zealand for American Travellers New Zealand is a destination that captures the imagination of travellers worldwide, but for Americans, it holds a particular allure. Known for its breathtaking landscapes, from the snow-capped peaks of the Southern Alps to the golden beaches of the North Island, New Zealand offers a smorgasbord of […]

A Guide to Campervan Travel for UK Tourists in New Zealand

Why New Zealand is a Campervan Paradise for UK Tourists New Zealand, with its stunning landscapes and diverse terrains, is a paradise for campervan enthusiasts. For UK tourists, the allure is even more potent. The country offers a unique blend of British familiarity and exotic landscapes, from the rolling hills that could mirror the English […]

The Ultimate Checklist for Your NZ Campervan Adventure

Essential Documents and Navigation Tools Heading out on a campervan adventure is thrilling, but a smooth journey requires a bit of preparation. The first and foremost essential on your checklist should be the necessary paperwork. Always ensure you have your driver’s licence, vehicle registration, and insurance documents handy. In the case of international travellers, don’t […]

Exploring the Hidden Gems of New Zealand: A Guide for the Avid Camper

Embracing the Freedom of the Open Road New Zealand, a land of breathtaking beauty and diverse landscapes, invites adventurers to traverse its terrain and immerse themselves in its splendour. The country unfolds like an open book from the comfort of a campervan, making every journey an exploration, an adventure, and a memory. This form of […]

Eco-Friendly Travel: How Campervan Hire is Supporting Sustainable Tourism in NZ

Embracing Sustainable Tourism The importance of sustainable tourism has become increasingly recognised around the globe. As we become more aware of our environmental impact, finding ways to travel responsibly and limit our footprint has moved to the forefront of many travellers’ minds. New Zealand, renowned for its stunning landscapes and biodiversity, is acutely aware of […]